java Threads for challenged people ,part4 : synchronized keyword

in this tutorial, we will do the same thing we did in the last tutorial, but this time we will use java "special" syntax. in short, again we are going to run two threads one after the other, the first thread will run finish and then the second will run. like we did in the … Continue reading java Threads for challenged people ,part4 : synchronized keyword

java Threads for challenged people ,part3 : basic thread sync

if you haven't read the last two tutorials about threads i suggest you do because this tut is based on them: sometimes you want threads to run one after the other. and not all the threads at the same time. in this tutorial i will show you a very simple and basic example. … Continue reading java Threads for challenged people ,part3 : basic thread sync

java Threads for challenged people ,part2: Runnable class

this lesson is based on the previous lesson about threads. in this tut we will cover the Runnable interface, it has only one class called run. run dose the same as the thread run, it holds the code that thread will run. Runnable works togather (you will see in the example use of the class we create. … Continue reading java Threads for challenged people ,part2: Runnable class

java Threads for challenged people ,part1: Thread class

for dummies is already taken so i use challenged instead. usual java programs run on a single thing called thread. all code is executed on that single thread. one thread is created for the main declaration. all the code runs one command after the other. but java allows you to run multiple threads. kind of like … Continue reading java Threads for challenged people ,part1: Thread class