how to import a java project to eclipse tutorial 2018

copying a few lines or code or a page or two is easy, but  what if you need to copy a whole java project with 30 pages of code or more.

in eclipse its easy, you just import the project (if its an eclipse project).


first thers the eclipse documentation:


basically go to the file menu and select import you shold see this diolog open:

select in general “existing project into workspace”

then you click next and get to this screen:

select browse to browse your file system and select the folder containing the project zip you want to import.

use “select root directory” browse if your project is on a file and not in a zip.

you shod see something like this:

from here once you see the project under “projects” press finish.

once the project is imported you might need to add jars and other dependencies to your projects build path.

if you dont see the project try to refresh (right click on the projects panel and select refresh).

maybe you need to close and open eclipse.

you can also copy the project file to your workspace and try this again (ive seen alot of cases like this and others thats why im giving you all these options just incase). but you shouldn’t have any problem with this.


i found a less then a minute video showing how to do this:

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