a better way to output to the java console

when you start learning java and they show how to create your first program, the obligatory/traditional “hello world”. btw if you dont have java installed and havent run the hello world do it before you read this.

the hello world looks somthing like this:

public class Main {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
 System.out.println("Hello World");

the line that outputs the “hello world” to the console is:

 System.out.println("Hello World");

dont you think its a little to long to write? in php its just echo “hello world”; , in alot of other programming languages its print “hello world”;

no matter if your  beginner or advanced student you will output stuff to the console for debugging etc.

for that purpose i created this class:

package your_package _name;

public class S
	public static void o(Object s)


create an S class in your project and put that code there, dont forget to change the package name to your projects package .

using this class you can output to console like this:

S.o("hello world");

its much shorter then writing : System.out.print(“whatever”);